An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.  - Gandhi

TODAY – Protest Against the Execution of John Marion Grant – Thurs, Oct 28 at 3P

UPDATE:  SCOTUS has vacated the stay and the execution will proceed at 4P today, Oct 28.  Please join us at the Gov’s Mansion (820 NE 23rd Street) NOW.

The execution of John Marion Grant is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 28 at 4p.  OK-CADP and other groups will hold a Demonstration/Protest starting at 3p outside the Governor’s Mansion, 820 NE 23rd Street where we will hold signs.  At the hour of execution (4P), the event will turn into a Silent Vigil when either a stay of execution is announced or the Capitol Police officer tells us the execution has been carried out.    Please join us and bring signs.


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