An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.  - Gandhi

Year End Fundraising Appeal

Year End Fundraising Appeal – Since its inception, The Oklahoma Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty has worked tirelessly to end capital punishment in Oklahoma through public education, community networking and advocacy.

In a low-funded but hard fought battle this past November, OK-CADP, along with advocates and supporters of the Say No To SQ 776 campaign, successfully debunked the myth of overwhelming statewide support for the death penalty in Oklahoma. The 66 – 33 percent final vote tally reflected the Think Twice OK campaign’s strategic success. Limited funding dictated a predominately urban focused campaign where, in some precincts voters disapproved the question by as much as sixty percent.

We can and will do more to further our message in 2017. Won’t you help us achieve our goal with a tax-deductible online gift today? Your $25, $50, $100, $250, $500 or whatever amount you can send donation will help us expand the reach of our public education campaign about why Oklahoma should abolish the death penalty. Plans call for creating chapters in other areas of the state, sending experts from our Speaker’s Bureau to organizations, and continuing hosting our annual Spring Membership Meeting & Awards Dinner.

Please click HERE to donate and to learn more. You may also donate by mailing a check to OK-CADP, P.O. Box 713, Oklahoma City, OK 73101-0713. Thank you very much.

Yours in solidarity,
Connie Johnson
Chair, Oklahoma Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty