An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.  - Gandhi

Richard Fairchild “Don’t Kill For Me” Protest & Vigil – Nov. 17, 2022

On Thursday, November 17, the Oklahoma Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (OK-CADP) asks the public to join them at the Richard Fairchild  “Don’t Kill for Me” demonstration in protest of his scheduled execution that morning at 10 a.m. The demonstration will begin at 9 a.m. in front of the Governor’s Mansion, at 820 NE 23rd Street at Phillips Avenue.

Participants will begin a silent vigil at 10:00 a.m. until notice of a stay of execution is received or the execution is carried out.  The vigil will conclude with a circle prayer. The vigil will be canceled if the execution is postponed.

Here are additional events taking place this week sponsored by OK-CADP, ACLU-OK and Death Penalty Action:
Wed., Nov. 16 – 4pm: Petition Signatures to Save Richard Fairchild Delivery to Gov. Stitt’s office at the State Capitol (2nd Floor).
Wed., Nov. 16 – 5:30pm: Visibility Action across from Gov.Stitt’s Mansion
Thurs., Nov. 17 – 9am: Visibility Action, OK State Penitentiary (McAlester)