An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.  - Gandhi

Oklahoma Campaign to Stop State Question 776 – Vote NO on SQ 776

no-sq-776-artNow through Tuesday, Nov. 8 Election Day:

The Oklahoma Death Penalty, State Question 776 is on the 2016 ballot in Oklahoma as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment.  The measure, upon voter approval approval, would make the death penalty part of the state constitution.

The amendment would assert that all methods of execution shall be constitutionally allowed and would forbid the death penalty from being construed as “the infliction of cruel or unusual punishments.”

The Oklahoma Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty asks Oklahomans to vote “No” on SQ 776 on Nov. 8, 2016.

To volunteer for this effort to Stop SQ 776, please visit or visit the Think Twice Facebook page.