An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.  - Gandhi

Public Confession for Involvement in the Culture of Death

On Friday, May 9, at 8 pm join the Joy Mennonite Church and the OK-CADP for a Public Confession for Involvement in the Culture of Death at the  Jesus Wept Statute, NW 5th & Harvey, (across from the Murrah Building Memorial) in downtown Oklahoma City, OK

A ceremony of confession and repentance will be held for our actions and inaction, both individually and as a society, that have contributed to the creation of a mindset that so quickly turns to violence and death as a solution to our problems. In light of the terrible crimes committed by Clayton Lockett and Charles Warner, as well as the vengeful, state-sanctioned response, it is important to do more than merely hold private opinions. We choose to publicly acknowledge our deep-rooted personal and systemic failings. We choose to publicly voice our desperate need for more thoughtful, responsible, and creative ways of finding healing.

Joy Mennonite Church and the OK-CADP respectfully invite you to join us for a brief time of serious reflection and confession – an evening which we pray will see the sun set on our present destructive course.

All people of faith and conscience are welcome to join us.