An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.  - Gandhi

OK-CADP Halt Executions Rally

The OK-CADP will hold a “Halt Executions” Rally at the State Capitol South Plaza on Sunday, May 18 from 2:30 to 3:30 pm.  We are calling for a Halt to all Executions in Oklahoma until there is a thorough investigative review of the botched execution of Clayton Lockett by an truly independent third party.  Speakers will include State Senator Connie Johnson, Adam Leathers, OK-CADP co-chair, Brady Henderson, Legal Director for ACLU-OK, Garland Pruitt of the NAACP-OK and Dr. Rev. William Tabbernee, Executive Director, Oklahoma Conference of Churches.

Entertainment will be provided by Jahruba & the Broke Brothers band.   Please join us!


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