An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.  - Gandhi

Kenneth Eugene Hogan Don’t Kill for Me Protest & Silent Vigil

Thursday, January 23, at 5:15 p.m.  Kenneth Eugene Hogan   “Don’t Kill for Me” Protest,  6 p.m. Silent Vigil – until death is pronounced.  Governor’s Mansion, 820 NE 23 St, OKC.  Parking available west of mansion.

Barring an act of mercy by Gov. Mary Fallin, the public is invited to join the members of OK-CADP as they stand in front of the Governor’s mansion, 820 NE 23 St., on Thursday, January 23, at 5:15 pm during the “Don’t Kill for Me” protest demonstration, which will transition into a silent vigil at the appointed hour of 6 pm until death is pronounced.