An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.  - Gandhi

Organization and membership

OK-CADP 2024-2025 Executive Board:
Chair – Rev. Don Heath
Vice Chair – Dr. Elizabeth Overman
Secretary – Sue Hosch
Treasurer:  Nykkia Harris
Chair Appointed Member – Randy Bauman

The Oklahoma Coalition was formed in 1976 and incorporated in 1987 by many of the individuals and organizations that are still active members today. We work together to end capital punishment in Oklahoma through public education, community connections, advocacy and research. We are affiliated with the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty.

We also seek to support persons who are under a sentence of death, their families and friends; victims of violent crime, their survivors and families; and sponsor/endorse other congruent organizations’ events. We assist in soliciting monetary contributions for executed prisoners alternatives to burial in the Oklahoma State Prison cemetery when requested.

Structure and Operations

As a nonprofit, membership corporation (501(c)(3) we operate through individual and organization contributions and are managed by a Board of Directors. The Board consists of one member selected by each Organization Member and seven At-Large members who are elected by the membership at our Annual Membership Meeting & Awards Dinner held each spring.

Membership is open to any person or organization that opposes capital punishment.

Individual Members

Any Oklahoman who opposes the death penalty can join. Joining does not require dues or a donation, though we encourage members to help with our financial needs. Join and subscribe to our mailing list.

Organizational Members

Over 20 organizations are currently members, including ACLU of Oklahoma, Amnesty International OKC, Brennan Society, Council on American-Islamic Relations Oklahoma Chapter, Catholic Conference of Oklahoma, Catholic, Christian Church-Disciples of Christ, Criminal Justice & Mercy Ministries of United Methodist Church OK Conference, Disciples of Christ – OKC, Divine Wisdom Worship Center, Ending Violence Everywhere Coalition, Julius Jones Coalition, KS-OK Conference United Church of Christ, Peace & Justice Commission of Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma, First Unitarian Church of Oklahoma City, Joy Mennonite Church, Murder Victims Families for Human Rights, NAACP of OKC, National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice, National Association of Social Workers OK Chapter, Oklahoma City First Church of the Nazarene, Oklahoma Faith Network, Peace House of Oklahoma City, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), and Saint Charles Borromeo Catholic Church Peace & Justice Committee.

If your organization would like to join us, please follow these guidelines.


Any member is welcome to attend our monthly board meetings.